Outreach in 2021 has been exciting!  We have been able to hand out more scripture books while doing street ministry.  We have also been able to provide scripture photo books to local prayer ministries.July 12,2021 Lino became a new creation in Christ and joined the family of believers!  Lino was very thankful to receive a scripture photo book as well as a Spanish Bible to share with his wife.  It was a very sweet time indeed. Lino thanked God profusely for our time together.We are currently preparing for late summer local back to school outreaches to low income families.  And we will be providing books to those staying in tiny homes  - interim housing for those in need or at Goodness Village.The team of The Story’s Not Over Yet would like to thank you for making the 2020 Easter outreach possible and a huge success!   We were able to provide 500 books to the food distribution at a local church; we could not have done this without you. We are very grateful for this ministry that God is allowing us to be a part of. Due to COVID19 the outreach looked very different this year...yet because of COVID19 we were able to provide more scripture photo books to people than ever at one outreach event. Approximately 90% of the cars that drove up to receive a box of food, said yes to, and was prayed with, and also given the book A Promise Kept or God Is Volume I. There are many hungry people out there, physically as well as spiritually. We want to thank you again for your generosity. Your continued support allows us to continue to provide God’s word to those who don’t yet know Him. God’s word does not return to Him void but accomplishes the purpose for which He sent it forth. Isaiah 55:11

September 2022

The Lord has allowed us to bless international college students studying here in America with scripture photo books. They are learning how to read English using the scripture photo books. This has been such a unique and beautiful opportunity to share God’s Word.

We are still giving out scripture photo books in various daily encounters and now at work also as the Lord allows.

Outreach in 2021 has been exciting!

We have been able to hand out scripture books while doing street evangelism. We continue to see the scripture photo books be sent to people across the country by recipients here in the Bay Area. We have also provided scripture photo books to local prayer ministries.

Gabby, Lupe, and Moses joined the family of believers! Lupe asked for and joyfully received a Spanish Scripture photo book for her mom. Gabby and Moses also excitedly received Scripture photo books. Moses thanked God for our time together and the tears of joy in Lupe’s eyes were precious. Thank you for your generous donations that make it possible to share God’s Word in the Scripture Books.

Lino became a new creation in Christ and joined the family of believers! Lino was very thankful to receive a scripture photo book as well as a Spanish Bible to share with his wife. It was a very sweet time indeed. Lino thanked God profusely for our time together. Thank you for your generous donations that make encounters like this possible.

We are currently preparing for Christmas Outreaches for families. And we will be providing books to those staying in tiny homes - interim housing for those in need or at Goodness Village.

The team of The Story’s Not Over Yet would like to thank you for making the 2020 Easter outreach possible and a huge success!   We were able to provide 500 books to the food distribution at a local church; we could not have done this without you. We are very grateful for this ministry that God is allowing us to be a part of.

 Due to COVID19 the outreach looked very different this year...yet because of COVID19 we were able to provide more scripture photo books to people than ever at one outreach event.

Approximately 90% of the cars that drove up to receive a box of food, said yes to, and was prayed with, and also given the book A Promise Kept or God Is Volume I. There are many hungry people out there, physically as well as spiritually.

 We want to thank you again for your generosity. Your continued support allows us to continue to provide God’s word to those who don’t yet know Him.

God’s word does not return to Him void but accomplishes the purpose for which He sent it forth. Isaiah 55:11

2020 a year in review…

January 26, 2020 we started our FaceBook page. Little did we know at that time what the year would hold. We wanted to bless people with mini-devotions and prayers that include a beautiful photo with scripture.  We wanted to let the world know we are here and want to share God’s Word with those who do not yet know Him. 

Early in the year the whole world was rocked with the COVID19 pandemic.  I don’t think there is anyone who hasn’t mourned with or for a friend or loved one suffering loss… loss of a loved one, health, a job, a place to live, and as we look out into the world so many more suffering from starvation due to no crops being planted.  Yes, we all have cried or mourned, and yet…

GOD IS FAITHFUL.  God knew exactly when and what would happen and in HIS great love and mercy HE has drawn many more to Himself in a very short time period.  We hear many accounts from abroad of people coming to know Jesus in record numbers. And domestically as our country became more divided than ever GOD in His sovereignty brought many things to light.  Most importantly for those of us who are His kids I think He brought us back to our knees more than ever, and I think HE reminded us of what is truly important…that people are dying all around us every day who do not know HIM.    GOD IS FAITHFUL indeed.

2020 brought us at The Story’s Not Over Yet many cancelled outreaches…2020 also brought us more personal “street ministry” opportunities.  I cannot count the number of times the LORD brought prayer opportunities to me in my local Safeway, Walgreens, or Starbucks parking lot…and along with getting to pray with what were once strangers I was able to give them a scripture photo book.

Margie R. “I was able to bless Li with the book A Promise Kept; she was deeply touched by the book. I have also given God Is to the BK boys, the manager at my local laundry mat, the kids at my Target store, and countless others at what I lovingly refer to as my “market place ministry” thru out the year.  God has blessed me tremendously thru these encounters allowing me to get to know and love on others.”

2019 a year in review…

Thank you to all of you for being a part of sharing God’s Word both locally and abroad!

Internationally - 100 books given away

We were able to send a dozen books to Mexico in the spring and at Christmas we sent 20 books. Over the summer we heard that the books in the spring were used in door to door evangelizing! The books at Christmas were passed along to another ministry working in Tijuana barios. It is exciting to think of the harvest the Lord is producing thru the love and dedication of these servants!

We sent 65 books to countries overseas blessing pastors there.


At a local Christmas outreach we were able to provide over 120 books, in English and Spanish, to low income families as a gift. Throughout the year almost 200 books, in English and Spanish, were given out to individuals. We also gave books out that were given out during a hospital visit or left at the lab for those receiving infusion treatments.

September 6, 2018 to Spring 2019

In December 2018 we had the honor of sending A Promise Kept on an overseas mission trip abroad as well as give out 150 books at a local Christmas Outreach.  In the spring of 2019 we had the privilege of sending A Promise Kept on a mission trip to Mexico.  In December 2019 we will be sending A Promise Kept and God Is…Volume I, in Spanish, on a mission trip to Mexico.  We will also be sending God Is.…Volume I, on a mission trip abroad.  With your help we will be providing a local Christmas Outreach with God Is… Volume I in Spanish and English.  And this can become a part of your story also.

The Story’s Not Over Yet…how it all began

On Friday August 31, 2018 the Lord called me to start a non-profit.  Maybe I should back up a little...

The first scripture book was created in 2014 and was created for a dear sweet friend’s sister who came home from being a missionary overseas with stage 4 brain cancer.  One of the outcomes of the cancer was that she could no longer read her bible, or any book, the words were jumbled on the page.  As I was asking the Lord what we could do about this, since audio gave her a severe headache, He laid the first scripture photo book on my heart.  He and I created it and gave it to Elizabeth.  She was able to enjoy His Word along with the beauty of His creation.  And thus the passion for creating scripture photo books was born.  He led me to creating other “coffee table” scripture photo books as well.

The Lord very quickly moved this passion into sharing His Word with people who didn’t yet know Him.  He led me to create the small, “backpack size”, books.  The first, A Promise Kept, is about Jesus life, mission, and gift He gave.  A friend and I gave the books to family, friends, coworkers, clients, neighbors, people on the street, sheriffs, rotary members, anyone the Lord laid on our hearts to do so.  We carried these in our cars always having His Word ready to feed the spiritually hungry.

So now to Friday, August 31, 2018.  I was on a “stay cation” and going for my morning walk; at around 2:30 pm (I had a very leisurely morning with the Lord and got a late start).  A few blocks from my home I saw part of crossing guard’s tee shirt and the word Christian.  I stopped her and asked her to show me her shirt.  And that’s how I met Stephanie.  I introduced myself to her and let her know I was a sister in Christ.  We began talking and somehow the scripture photo books came up.  I offered Stephanie a book and asked which one she wanted; a large book to enjoy as a devotion or the small book about Jesus with the caveat that she had to give it away after she read it (during that brief encounter I already knew what her answer would be).  She said she would like a small book.  So I ran home and grabbed books to give her. 

When Stephanie looked at the books she exclaimed, “The Lord is calling you to start a non-profit with these books”!  She further stated “freely you have received, freely give”.  We exchanged phone numbers and I said I would pray about it and let he know what the Lord said.   

While Stephanie and I were talking a friend called and I sent it to voicemail.  She was calling to share something she was blessed by.  Her voicemail stated “the story’s not over yet”.   I knew in that moment if the Lord really was calling me to form a non-profit that this was to be the name.

At church we were going thru a sermon series on the book of Acts.  And each Sunday we would be given a reading plan for the week.  On September 4, 2018 I read Acts 20: 35… “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”  On the morning of September 5, 2018 I was reading my Experiencing God devotion and the verse for that day was Matthew 10:8b “Freely you have received, freely give.”    I texted Stephanie immediately, thanked her for her obedience to our Lord and speaking prophetically into my life.  I also asked for prayer as this new path would only come to fruition through The Lord. This is the humble yet incredible beginning of The Story’s Not Over Yet .

CV’s Story

This summer, when coming home from visiting friends overseas, I had been sitting in the airport for a few hours when the Holy Spirit had me share A Promise Kept with a young man sitting next to me. He was very open to the Story of Christ.  God allowed me to plant seeds that day and I trust He will accomplish His purpose in this young man’s heart.

Diane D.’s Story

“Oh my goodness, we were having a great time on our Mission Trip in June with the ladies in Santa Isabel, Mexico. Me not speaking Spanish and through a translator was sharing with about 40 Women A Promise Kept book in Spanish. It was so exciting to see their eyes light up to see the beautiful pictures and scripture in their own language. I told them about the passion to share God’s Word and how A Promise Kept book works. You read the story and then pass the book on. There was a visiting pastor’s wife from another town who asked if she could have some to use in her town to share the story of Christ. The excitement on her face was such a joy for me to see that Gods word is going to go on out to other areas.”

Kelly C.’s Story

The Scripture Photo Book- Is an AWESOME Book!!. It’s beautiful, it’s neat, it’s well put together and it’s all God’s Word!. This book has helped my family in many ways. It has really encouraged my 6 year old son. He has made huge progress in this last year. Emotionally, physically and spiritually, it’s my strongest belief that with prayer and the Scripture photo book this made it possible for us. The pictures are beautiful and helpful with getting our minds to look deeper into the Scriptures. The pictures match up well with every scripture. My son now knows God’s word by heart!. Now when he looks to hills he says “Mom my strength comes from the Lord”.

Adding The Scripture Photo book to our daily reading was the best thing I could have done. This extra tool was given to us as gift and it’s priceless. The Scripture book is all Gods’ word so it’s truth. Truth that we as people in Christ can hold on to and use in life daily. As we read we can feel the presence of The Holy Spirit in the room. We can feel the tugging on our hearts to keep reading. This book has helped re-iterate our hope in Jesus. We had big faith that God's word is true but now we have big hope that it can happen for us!

Love Kelly C